Hilsen til Ungkommunistene i Canada
Følgende hilsen ble sendt fra Ungkommunistenes 2. forbundsstyremøte

Comradely greetings from the Communist Youth of Norway (UngKom)

We, the Young Communist Youth of Norway (UngKom), extend our heartfelt greetings and solidarity to the Young Communist League of Canada amidst your re-founding process.
        We are grateful for the invitation to attend your ongoing 25th Congress, but regrettably we were not able to attend. Still, we hope to be seeing you at the 17th World Festival of Youth & Students in South Africa in December, as we see you are planning to send an all-Canadian delegation.
        We are happy to learn that your re-founding process is going well. UngKom has also recently been through the process of re-establishing our organization as the youth wing of the Norwegian Communist Party, after the previous leadership failed to maintain the organization. We are happy to report that our organization is once again on track, and that we are ready to resume our leading role in organizing the communist and progressive youth in Norway.
        Our continued contact and friendship will be mutually beneficial in order to gain the knowledge and experience in maintaining the workers' struggle against imperialist and reactionary forces worldwide.

Fram for marxisme-leninismen! Folkemakt mot pengemakt!
(Forward for marxism-leninism! People's power against capitalism!) 

Opphavsrett tilhører UngKom © 2006-2015
Ungkommunistene i Norge, Helgesensgate 21, 0553 Oslo
Postadresse: Postboks 9288 Grønland, 0134 Oslo
Organisasjonsnr: 989 695 738
Telefon: 22 71 60 44 / 900 86 204
E-post: kontakt@ungkommunist.no
Kontonr: 9015 16 18862